Office of the Bishop Staff

Rev. Barbara Berry-Bailey
Special Assistant for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Rev. Quirino Cornejo
Minister for Multicultural Witness
Shared position with the Episcopal Church in Colorado

Jon Johnson
Finance Director
(303) 970-0363
- Human Resources
- Budgeting
- Financial Management

Rev. Will Johnson
Rocky Mountain Synod Temporary Bridge Transitions Coordinator
- Transitions
- Call Process
- Interim Ministry

Rev. Diana Linden-Johnson
Assistant to the Bishop for Rostered Ministry
(303) 970-0366
- Candidacy and First Call
- Rostered Minister Support
- Global Church
- Campus Ministry

Yvonne Wilken
(303) 970-0264
- Roster Management
- Lutheran Center Management
- Candidacy Support
- Transitions Support
- Bishop and Synod Council Support
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry

Kurt Rager
Director, New Mexico
(505) 242-2493
Advocacy Ministry in New Mexico
Bishop's Staff Liaison to Border Servant Corps (Las Cruces, N.M.)

Director, Colorado
(Position currently vacant)
Congregational Transition Coaches
Excellence in Leadership
ELCA Ministry Partners

Andrea Arey
Portico Benefit Services
Resources for events
Benefit information
One-on-One Meetings
Council Meetings