1. Fossil-fuel Free ELCA Retirement Fund Option
  2. Incorporate Creation Stewardship into Reformation Observances
  3. Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery
  4. Making US Aid to the State of Israel Contingent on Halt to Settlement Construction
  5. Official Statement of Welcome of the Rocky Mountain Synod, ELCA   


Resolution: Incorporate Creation Stewardship into Reformation Observances

Whereas, Whereas, the ELCA social statement “Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice” affirms that “humans, in service to God, have special roles on behalf of the whole of creation; made in the image of God, we are called to care for the earth as God cares for the earth”, and commits this church to public action on behalf of the environment and all the earth’s creatures; and

Whereas, about God’s care for creation Martin Luther wrote “God wants to be praised for nourishing and cherishing, for God cherishes all creatures. God is not only the Creator, but is also the Sustainer and Nourisher.” (LW 5:197)

Whereas, the Rocky Mountain Synod along with the rest of the ELCA will be commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation in 2016 and 2017; and

Whereas one of the by-words of the Lutheran Reformation is Semper Reformanda (“forever reforming), meaning that the servant church most always be ready to take on new challenges in its theology and mission in response to the needs of the world;

Therefore, Be it resolved that the Rocky Mountain Synod meeting in assembly urges the planning team for our observances of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation to incorporate the call to faithful stewardship of creation into the worship and educational materials and other resources prepared for this commemoration.

Implications of Resolution (if adopted):

  1. What is the financial impact of this resolution on the synod budget? If expenditures are required, what are the sources of income anticipated to accomplish the purpose of the resolution?     No anticipated impact on synod budget.
  2. What are the personnel implications within our synod (or churchwide)? Who will be responsible for implementation of the resolution?     No personnel implications; Reformation Anniversary Planning Team will be responsible for implementation
  3. How does this resolution enhance and forward the mission of the church and our synod?    Promotes faithful Creation Stewardship as an ongoing legacy of the Reformation.


Submitted by (required):                                                                                      

RMS Creation Stewards Ministry Team

Rev.Nelson Bock

Provide names of ALL co-signers: Rev. Nelson Bock, Rev. Kent Mueller, Rev. LaVonne Johnson-Holt, Rev. Alena Lamirato, Wally Jacobson, Craig Tamminga, Judy Neve, Rev. Bonita Bock, Rev. Tina Yankee, Rev. Ron Powers
