A Message from the Bishop-Elect

Dear congregations and non-congregational ministries of the Rocky Mountain Synod,

Grace and peace be with you in Jesus’ name! As I prepare to begin my call as the next bishop of this synod, the transition team and I would like to invite you to complete this form as a way to introduce your congregation or ministry and help me to get to know you. This is only one small step in the process of building relationships, but it offers two important opportunities. First, it offers each congregation/ministry a way to share some of the key joys, challenges, and other things I should know about your current ministry; and secondly, it offers a snapshot of the synod as a whole that our team can pull together and share back to the synod later on, after I take office on August 1. Any rostered minister or designated congregation/ministry leader is welcome to contribute to one response from each synod congregation/ministry. Thank you in advance for taking the time to participate in this process. I look forward to learning more about what God is up to where you are!

In Christ, Bishop-Elect Meghan Johnston Aelabouni

We invite every congregation and non-congregational ministry to fill out this survey in advance of Bishop-elect Rev. Dr. Meghan Johnston Aelabouni beginning her term  on August 1. We ask that you prayerfully consider your responses on behalf of the whole congregation/ministry. Please submit this survey by June 15. If you have any questions, you may contact Deb Elstad - Chair, Bishop Transition Team at deb.elstad@gmail.com

Bishop Transition Team: Deb Elstad, Nolan Bly, Dr. Jack Lindsey, Rev. Ruth Ann Loughry, Rev. Dr. Kate Schlechter


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Select the role that best describes you.
Suggestions: One thing that you would want the new Bishop to know about your congregation or non-congregational ministry. What gives your congregation/ministry the most life? You may also wish to add something your congregation/ministry needs from the new bishop or the synod.
Describe stressors or issues your congregation or non-congregational ministry is facing.
Create a short statement/tag line that explains your congregation's connection to the story or verse.
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