
The Rev. Jim Gonia
(303) 970-0264 (Yvonne)

Office of the Bishop Staff

Rev. Barbara Berry-Bailey
Special Assistant for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Rev. Deacon Sarah Bjornebo
Assistant to the Bishop for Innovation and Communication
(303) 970-0259
  • 3E Lilly Grant Program Director
  • Communications
  • Grant Writing
  • Events
  • Staff Effectiveness Director
Rev. Quirino Cornejo
Minister for Multicultural Witness

Shared position with the Episcopal Church in Colorado

Jon Johnson
Finance Director
(303) 970-0363
  • Human Resources
  • Budgeting
  • Financial Management
Rev. Deacon Katie Kline
Director of Transition Ministry
(720) 894-3410

Shared position with ELCA Grand Canyon Synod

  • Transitions
  • Call Process
  • Interim Ministry
Rev. Diana Linden-Johnson
Assistant to the Bishop for Rostered Ministry
(303) 970-0366
  • Candidacy and First Call
  • Rostered Minister Support
  • Global Church
  • Campus Ministry
Rev. Dana Peterson
Assistant to the Bishop for Congregational Vitality, and Director for Evangelical Mission
(303) 970-0261
  • Vital Right Shaped Ministry
  • New Congregations
  • Renewing Congregations
Yvonne Wilken
(303) 970-0264
  • Roster Management
  • Lutheran Center Management
  • Candidacy Support
  • Transitions Support
  • Bishop and Synod Council Support

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry

Kurt Rager
Director, New Mexico
(505) 242-2493
  • Advocacy Ministry in New Mexico
  • Bishop's Staff Liaison to Border Servant Corps (Las Cruces, N.M.)
Peter Severson
Director, Colorado
(303) 970-0243
  • Advocacy Ministry in Colorado
  • Bishop's Staff Liaison to Social Ministry Organizations
    • Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains
    • Eben Ezer Lutheran Care Center (Brush, Colo.)
    • Urban Servant Corps (Denver, Colo.)
  • Bishop's Staff Liaison to Lutheran Disaster Response

Congregational Transition Coaches

Rev. Mandy Achterberg
Transition Coach
Rev. Will Johnson
Transition Coach
Rev. Pam Stofferahn
Transition Coach
Rev. Libbie Reinking
Transition Coach
Rev. Barb Martens
Transition Coach
Rev. Christine Higueria-Street
Transition Coach

Excellence in Leadership

Rev. Katie Emery

Messiah Mountain Retreat Center

Jen Engquist & Matt Bishop
Site Managers

ELCA Ministry Partners

Andrea Arey
Portico Benefit Services
  • Resources for events

  • Benefit information

  • One-on-One Meetings

  • Council Meetings