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How does ELCA World Hunger work?

Hunger and poverty are the result of many interconnected causes and are most successfully alleviated when a project addresses more than one of these causes.  People who live in poverty need to be part of the decisions about what they need.  Thus, programs supported by ELCA World Hunger accompany people and often take an integrated approach to community development, in which a community works across several areas simultaneously to create lasting change. 

When people learn new farming techniques and participate in a village savings and loan group, they have two ways of ensuring their economic and food security.  Health promoters can provide health education and access to health care in the present, while also mobilizing communities to advocate for appropriate clinical health care in the future.

By addressing an issue from many angles, we can equip individuals with several skills and resources that allow them to create lasting, positive change in their lives -- resulting in communities that are more resilient and responsive.  Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger support projects and activities that are creating integrated, holistic transformation in more than 60 countries around the world!

For more information, resources for education, and ideas for how you can help, visit the hunger pages on the ELCA website.

How to Donate to ELCA World Hunger

Domestic Hunger Grants are Open!

Prior to submitting a full grant proposal, we ask grant applicants to fill out a letter of inquiry (LOI) which briefly describes the project proposal. Registering on our granting portal, ELCA GrantMaker, is not required at this step. From May 1 through May 31, interested applicants can submit a LOI. Simply fill out the LOI form.  After May 31, the grants team will conduct a review and send invitations and decline letters directly to applicants on or before July 31, 2023. 

Click here for some valuable information about the new process. 

Click here for the Letter of Inquiry form.

Easy to Find Resources Coming Soon!

The Hunger Network Core Team has been working to gather all the most useful hunger resources and put them on a flash drive that congregations can pick up at the synod assembly.  This will be an easy "plug and play" operation!

In addition, all the resources will be uploaded to this page...with a quick link from the main page of the synod's website.  There are many ways to tell the story of the work of ELCA World Hunger!

RMS Hunger Network Core Team