eConnection is published the first and third Thursday of each month plus special editions. Please submit your Events, general articles, and Employment Opportunities by noon Monday to ensure publication. We will usually run your article for a week or two, unless otherwise requested.

  • Enter a summary of your news, event, or employment opportunity. Provide a link to a website or upload document, graphics, and photos if there is more information.
  • Edit your submission so it is interesting, concise, and a brief as possible!

Employment Opportunities will be posted both on our website, and initially to the upcoming issue of eConnection, then only in our website list. *** When your job position is filled or needs to be updated, please contact Yvonne Wilken

The photo or graphic you upload should enhance your news or event item. Or you may submit an event as a boxed graphic in gif, jpg, or png format. Or a document can be uploaded here to support your news, event, or employment opportunity. BE SURE TO CLICK ON THE "UPLOAD" BUTTON.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png txt pdf doc docx ppt.
Your article needs to be related to your congregation, the Rocky Mountain Synod, or the ELCA ministries.
Provide a Headline for your EVENT or NEWS item. For employment opportunities, enter the Job Title.
Please enter your article or employment opportunity here. Include address or Zoom info, if applicable. Your article should fit in without scrolling, which is approximately 900 characters max. If there is additional information, a flyer, or job description document, you may attach it using the field above, or include a link in your article/job ad.
Who may readers contact, or go to, for questions and more information?