Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Denver is seeking a dedicated, joyful, and dynamic music director who can select and perform a variety of music that will enthusiastically involve the congregation and align with our worship vision. This vision is based on promoting a sense of joy and gratitude in worship, with wholehearted participation by the congregation.
Responsibilities include:
• Play organ and or piano at all Sunday worship services and special services throughout the church year, including midweek Lenten services and Christmas Eve service
• Lead choir rehearsals and conduct as well as accompany the choir, soloist or ensemble providing special music in the service
• Coordinate with Pastor in general planning and leadership of all worship services, special music, and music offerings throughout the year
• Order and catalog choral music within allotted budget
• Provide Office Administrator with weekly music selection on a schedule determined by the Pastor
• With extra reimbursement, provide or approve arrangements of organ/keyboard accompaniment and special music needs for all weddings and funerals in consultation with wedding party or the family of the deceased, as necessary
• Assist in obtaining Substitutes/Choir Director/Accompanist in planned absences
• Arrange upkeep and maintenance of instruments, sound system, microphones
Interest in community events is encouraged. Previous experience as a church musician is preferred.
The position requires approximately 10-15 hours per week. Starting date is September 1, 2024. Full position description can be found here.
Please send resume and references to cheryl.campbell@oslchurchdenver.org.
Posted July 30, 2024