Synod Ministries
Ministry Partners are organizations that operate and are governed outside of the Rocky Mountain Synod, but are affiliated with the synod and are considered ministries of the synod. Ministry Partners include colleges, universities, seminaries, health ministries, service organizations, and outdoor ministries.
As ministry in a college setting, Lutheran Campus Ministry Network continues the church’s commitment to young adults who grew up in Lutheran congregations, welcoming them and students of other backgrounds. We journey with them as they are searching, learning and discovering God’s love and call in their lives.
RMS Campus Ministry

Outdoor Ministry
The Rocky Mountain Synod supports and partners with three outdoor ministries across the synod for ministry alongside youth, young adults, and families.
Our camps are a part of Lutheran Outdoor Ministries (LOM)(link is external),an association of outdoor ministry organizations, professionals, board members, businesses, and students connected to Lutheran camping, conferences, and retreats.
The Rocky Mountain Synod partners with and supports three servant corps ministries. These ministries work in areas of border justice, immigration, young adult ministry, hunger and homelessness, and veteran support.

Lutheran Disaster Response
Lutheran Disaster Response brings God’s hope, healing and renewal to people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. When the dust settles and the headlines change, we stay to provide ongoing assistance to those in need.
Ministry Partners are organizations that operate and are governed outside of the Rocky Mountain Synod, but are affiliated with the synod and are considered ministries of the synod. Ministry Partners include colleges, universities, seminaries, health ministries, service organizations, and outdoor ministries.

Rocky Mountain Synodical Women's Organization
The Rocky Mountain Synodical Women's Organization (RMSWO) is a non-profit organization that represents and provides services for Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America throughout a five-state region that includes: Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming, and the area around El Paso, Texas.
Rocky Mountain Lutheran Men in Mission
Our mission is for every man to be a bold, daring follower of Jesus Christ. And by God's grace, to intentionally disciple men by personally modeling the character of Jesus by living and leading a lifestyle intended to help transform from having an inward focus to a culture of naturally loving and serving our neighbors. Lutheran Men in Mission ministers to men of all ages.

Rejoicing Spirits was founded on the belief that all people should have the opportunity to explore faith and spirituality. All people, especially people with disabilities, should be able to explore and express their faith in an inclusive worship community.