Brave Experiments: Lay Leader Edition

Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 6:30pm

Recording available below

The landscape of congregations and leadership has shifted dramatically, especially post-pandemic. While there is a shortage of pastors and deacons the fact is many congregations are unable to afford full-time or even part-time leaders.

Despite these challenges, congregations are innovating. Lay leaders are stepping up to roles traditionally held by rostered leaders, and brave experiments are underway to meet the needs of our communities.

Join us at the winter 2025 Brave Experiments event to hear from Bishop Meghan and three congregations pioneering lay pastoral leadership. We'll discuss training, partnerships, and how these changes are being received. Together, we'll explore what works, what doesn't, and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit for the future.

Resource List

Missed the event? Watch it here.