The Rocky Mountain Synod 3E - Educate, Equip, Enact Phase 3 Grants have reopened!

The purpose of the Phase 3 Lilly 3E Grants is to provide support and relief to rostered leaders in the Rocky Mountain Synod so that they can continue to grow and thrive in ministry.

Mini-Sabbatical Grants:

The Mini-Sabbatical Grant is offered for a suggested period of 4-6 weeks with the purpose of providing rest and renewal for rostered leaders. The request for this grant must include information about how the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts have led to the need for sabbatical. In addition to a maximum of $2000 for sabbatical related expenses, the grant may also cover up to $2000 for pastoral coverage to support the congregation while the rostered leader is away - for a maximum total of $4000. Mini-sabbaticals must be completed by November 30, 2024.

Mini Sabbatical Grants are paid as a reimbursement to the grantee and to the congregation and will be disbursed upon receipt of the completed final expense form with related receipts.

Criteria for receiving a 3E Mini-Sabbatical Grant includes the following:

  • Applicants must be rostered ministers in the Rocky Mountain Synod, which includes individuals who are on leave from call.
  • Individuals who have previously received a mini-sabbatical grant are not eligible to receive an additional mini-sabbatical grant but may still apply for a grant to help cover the cost of counseling, coaching, and/or spiritual direction.
  • The grant application was released to Black, Indigenous, and people of color on September 12, 2023, and will be released to all RMS rostered ministers on September 18, 2023, via Leadership Link.
  • Grant applications will be reviewed by the 3E Mini-Sabbatical in the order they are received until all grant funds have been allocated.
  • Grants are reimbursement-based. Following the completion of the mini-sabbatical, recipients will submit a grant report and applicable receipts to the Office of the Bishop for reimbursement. All receipts must be submitted by November 30, 2024. 



Because I serve as a hospital chaplain, work has been far more intense and exhausting, with very little time off. All education/spiritual renewal and professional development reimbursement has been eliminated from department budget…My body and spirit crave sabbatical time, but there is no such provision in chaplaincy. - RMS Pastor

3E Core Value 
The power of vulnerability
. While vulnerability is often regarded as a weakness and deficit of some sort, we understand that vulnerability is our shared human lot. The appropriate expression of vulnerability subverts dominating power, removes the illusion that “everything is just fine,” and acknowledges reality. Vulnerability allows us to build community and move forward together in compassion and hope.