Brave Experiments

Monday, October 9, 2023 - 6:30pm








The world has changed, and the church is adapting. Do you have questions about setting a ministry strategy in this new world? Do you wonder how best to use your church building beyond Sundays? Are you curious about creative partnerships to reach new people? Some congregations have already taken risks in these areas and learned some things that will help us.

Join fellow congregational leaders around the Rocky Mountain Synod for a 90-minute zoom event exploring some inspiring ministry experiments. We will hear from three leaders who have taken some chances in ministry and gained insights they will share with us. After the short presentations we will enter into the small group of our choice for further conversation before returning back for a final debrief.

Zoom Link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 854 7105 3136

Please register ahead of time for this free event at here.

Produced by the Rocky Mountain Synod Church Ministries Committee