Why Church?

A Lenten Series for Congregations


"Why Church?" is a discussion series designed by the Congregational Ministry Committee of the Rocky Mountain Synod to help your congregation reflect on why the world needs your church today and into the future.

Lent invites us to slow down and reflect both as individuals and as congregations. 

This resource is divided into weeks. Each week includes:

  • Material from the “Why Church” resource* that engages participants in wondering about the church as it continues to evolve
  • A message sketch highlighting points that may be used in a sermon or other presentation
  • Small group discussion questions providing conversation starters to engage people in groups around tables or in classrooms
  • Large group debrief questions
  • A closing prayer suggesting ways to conclude your conversation and offer it to God while also acknowledging God’s presence throughout the process and asking for God’s guidance with next steps.


Download the "Why Church?" curriculum here