Synod Assembly Passes Resolution Calling for Hamas/Israel Ceasefire

The Resolution, "For Justice for Palestinians and Israelis," calls for individuals and congregations to study, advocate and pray for peace with justice for Palestinians and Israelis, and learn about Palestinian Christians and the work of the ELCA's Sumud initiative in partnering with Palestinian Lutherans in the 6 congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land.

Resources for study and advocacy:

Peace Not Walls is now "SUMUD: For Justice in Palestine and Israel"

Take 4 minutes to see an overview of SUMUD's work: 

See the April webinar for an update on how the Lutherans in the West Bank are dealing with their current more difficult situation:

See the ELCA announcement: and note the new Lenten video series: "Following the Way of Jesus: a Lenten Holy Land Journey." Watch the video preview: 

Latest update--January 2024, from Pastor Gabi Aelabouni

In the Rocky Mountain Synod, we participate in a special ELCA campaign working for justice and peace in Palestine and Israel, through

  • Accompaniment
  • Advocacy
  • Awareness-raising

Ask your Representative to sign on to Rep. Cori Bush's Ceasefire Resolution

H.Res.786 - Calling for an immediate deescalation and cease-fire in Israel and occupied Palestine

Text of the Resolution:

Contact - Find your Representative:

Get Involved: 

Direct Support to Palestinian Lutheran Ministries

Opportunity Palestine - supporting Lutheran schools in Bethlehem, Beit Jala, Beit Sahour and Ramallah:
Bright Stars of Bethlehem - supporting ministries of Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem - K-12 school and after school programs, elder care programs, Dar Al-Kalima University College and more: 

Worship Resource: Thomas Mass Liturgy

The Thomas Mass is a Lutheran worship liturgy designed for contemplation, prayer, and questioning. It is named for the Apostle Thomas because of his questions in faith. The bulk of this service is an Open Phase during which worshippers are invited to participate in different worship stations as they feel compelled. This particular Thomas Mass has been developed by the Rocky Mountain Synod’s Peace Not Walls committee.  The service may be adapted for use throughout the year in various worship settings.