Pulpit Supply
The Synod Council sets guidelines for pulpit supply rates and the Office of the Bishop provides a list of leaders available for pulpit supply.
Compensation Guidelines
The Rocky Mountain Synod Council provides compensation guidelines for rostered ministers serving in this synod. The guidelines worksheets propose salary in a range, rather than a single target number. The range takes into consideration the differences in Rocky Mountain Synod cost of living realities based upon regional differences and other suggested salary modifiers for education or previous non-ministry experience. Different contexts and communities must be taken into consideration, and each congregation should review the documents in light of the congregation's past history.
A sabbatical offers an opportunity to get off the treadmill and restore a sense of vision and hope for ministry. It's more than just a chance to recharge your batteries for another year. It can be a life and soul-changing time, a time when perspective and the Holy Spirit can come together. The bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod strongly encourages congregations to adopt policies allowing for sabbaticals for pastors and deacons. The following guidelines will help you as you do that planning.
RECOMMENDED RESOURCE: Clergy Renewal: The Alban Guide to Sabbatical Planning, by A. Richard Bullock and Richard J. Bruesehoff.