Saturday Afternoon Immersion: Narrative and Identity
What information and experiences shape your congregation’s identity? Who are you together? In this afternoon session we’ll talk about one of the most powerful forces in shaping identity: narrative. You will be invited to consider the narratives that have shaped your congregation in the past and what narratives might be determining your current identity. As we look at these narratives together, we’ll ask tough questions: Are these narratives true? Where do they lead you? Finally, we’ll take the ultimate risk and invite God into the process. Through our time together, you will be given tools to begin the beautiful, difficult, essential work of discerning your congregation’s dominant narratives in light of the biblical narrative into which God invites us.
Friday, May 1
11:30-1:00pm Registration
Lunch available in Fellowship Hall as you arrive
1:00pm Opening of Assembly (begins in each local context)
1:15pm Plenary 1: Opening Business (via Zoom)
Adopt Rules of Procedure
Adopt Agenda
Introduce Guests, New to Synod, Reference & Counsel
Election Process
Bishop Reflections
Keynote 1: Jason Chestnut
Mission Moment: Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
3:00pm Break/Local Impact Project/Exhibitors
3:45pm Plenary 2: Continued Assembly Business
Churchwide Report
Treasurer’s Report
Vice-President’s Report
Closing Prayer from ELCA Missionary
5:30pm Dinner in Fellowship hall
6:45pm Evening Worship: Celebrating Women's Ordination
Preacher: Rev. Deb Jimenez
Presider: Rev. Kristi Koppel
Assisting Minister: Deacon Laura Carson
Saturday, May 2
8:00am Morning Prayer with local ministry partner: Lutheran Advocacy Ministry- NM
9:00am Plenary 3: Continued Assembly Business
Keynote 2: Jason Chesnut
10:00am Break: Refreshments in Fellowship Hall
10:30am Plenary 4: Closing Assembly Business
Resolutions cont'd
RMS Campaign Update
Election Report
12:00pm Lunch in Fellowship Hall
***Immersion Only Attendees arrive***
1:00pm Afternoon Worship: Church Becoming
Preacher: Kari Lenander
Presider: Rev. Wayne Nieminen
Assisting Minister: Debra Alba
2:00-5:00pm Immersion: Narrative and Identity