Please take a few moments to share about your 2022 Synod Assembly Experience. If you did not attend a particular portion or have no feedback regarding any sessions, questions may be left blank.

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Please select which portions of the assembly you attended.
Please share any thoughts on the assembly schedule.
Please share any thoughts on the plenary sessions.
Please share any thoughts on the Interest Groups offered during meal times
Please share about Opening Worship, Evening Prayer, and Closing Worship.
Please share any thoughts regarding the nominations and elections process
Please share any thoughts regarding the exhibit space and experience
Please share any thoughts regarding the location, venue, and accommodations
Please share some of the highlights of this assembly for you
Please share any challenges/changes/least favorite parts of this assembly.
What other resources or communications would have been helpful in preparing for this assembly?
Please share something that inspired you, something you learned, something you’re still thinking or wondering about, or something you are bringing back to your ministry.
Did you attend the 2021 and/or 2020 online Assemblies *
Would you attend an online Assembly *
Please share your thoughts regarding online and in-person Assemblies.
Please share anything else you would like us to know.